MILKY PLANT – Get Fresh Plant Milk in Minutes!

The Milky Plant is a compact machine that can produce 100% fresh, single ingredient milk in less than 5 minutes. Make fresh, nutrient-rich plant milk with the ingredients you want.

No Fuss. No Mess.

The Milky Plant makes homemade plant milk as easy, fast, and fun as possible. Plus, you’re in control of what goes in your milk. No preservatives or additives, just 100% delicious plant milk every time.

Make Any Type of Sustainable Milk

You name it, Milky Plant can make it.

Make fresh, healthy, and clean plant milk as sustainably as possible. No more milk cartons or plastic waste.

You can make milk with:

Oats, Almonds, Soy, Rice, Hemp, Coconut, Potato, Pea

You name it, Milky Plant can make it!

Get Fresh & Tasty Plant Milk Everyday

Combine your favourite nuts, seeds, and plants in easy recipes. Enjoy them on their own, in coffee or tea, smoothies, and so much more.

use CATHERINE at checkout to get 10% off

Our Story

– Micheal & Nadina, Founders
“The idea for Milky Plant comes after years of searching for clean and affordable plant-based milk. After being diagnosed with high cholesterol, I wanted to find a way to make healthy plant-based milk at home. No saturated fats, additives or preservatives, just 100% pure ingredients – so you’re in control of what goes into your body.”
We wanted to share with you the story behind our product and why we’re revolutionizing the way we drink plant-based milk at home. Our idea for the Milky Plant comes after years of searching for clean and healthy plant-based milk. Most options found in grocery stores are filled with all kinds of additives and preservatives.
The worst part is, they claim to be all-natural.
A few years ago, I was diagnosed with high cholesterol and wanted to make healthy changes to my diet. But I quickly realised that everyday plant-based milks weren’t as natural or healthy as they claimed to be. Store-bought plant-based milk is high in saturated fat, additives, preservatives. None of it was actually healthy.
So we set out to create delicious and nutritious plant-based milk in the easiest and most convenient way –  at home.
This way, you know exactly what goes into the milk you drink, so you know it’s good for you. Our mission is to make plant-based milk in minutes without the fuss, with no additives, no mess in the greenest way possible. Every time you drink a glass of Milky Plant milk, you’ll know that it’s good for you and good for the planet.

How Milky Plant Works

Add Ingredients

Add ingredients to the container up until the MIN line

Add Water

Fill up the Milky Plant water tank with clean water

Press & Enjoy

Just press the button, let Milky Plant work its magic, and enjoy!


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