Flaska – TPS Water Structuring Products & Information

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Flaska – TPS Water Structuring Products & Information


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I have been using Flaska products for years – in fact they have been one of my favourite gift choices for friends & family as I truly believe that they make such a vibrational difference to the water. Over the years I have tested this with animals self-selecting, watching plants and food thrive and personally seeing the difference in how i feel when using my Flaska products. I am now delighted to be able to share these with you.

Water & Glass       

Let’s drink more high-quality water from glass containers. This is how we can take care of our health and protect our natural environment.

The Results Speak For Themselves! 

Take a look at the website and see the amazing results – including those by Masaru Emoto water crystal photo made with Tokio water after being treated with Flaska (Copyright © 2013 Office Masaru Emoto)

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Why Choose Flaška ?

Flaska glass products are programmed using the TPS procedure, therefore the structure of the water in them changes and becomes similar to the structure of spring water. All Flask bottles / products are made from glass – Glass does not leach harmful substances and undesired flavours into the water and is environmentally friendly.

What Is TPS Water Structuring?    

Flaska glass products are programmed using the TPS procedure (Technology of Programming Silicon).

With Flaska products, we bring the vibrational structure of water closer to the structure of spring water, i.e. water in its natural environment. Using the TPS (Technology of Programming Silicon) procedure, a vibrational programme consisting of various kinds of information from nature is imprinted into the glass.

The process consists of four phases, each of which includes different media for information transfer and contributes to efficiency of Flaska.

The TPS procedure was developed by the Flaska d.o.o company and is being constantly improved and upgraded.

Programmed Flaška Products                     

In addition to water bottles, the family of programmed Flaska glass products also consists of Sirius glass, the Vodan jug and Flaska Uniq.

Present your clients, business partners, or employees with an original gift – a Flaska bottle with the logo of your organisation or with a special design.

Our mission:

By using innovative technologies and having responsible relations to the society and the environment, we provide solutions that contribute to the improvement of the quality of life through water structuring. We are raising society’s awareness about the importance of water structuring and its potentials.

Our vision:

The company Flaska will build a broad awareness about the importance of structured water and improve the attitude of people towards drinking water.


  • Health
  • Dynamism
  • Sustainability
  • Integrity
  • Boldness
  • Knowledge


Please see this video with Maks Vrečko from FLASKA about the wonders of Structured Water

Affiliate Disclaimer Some of the links I share are affiliate links. This means I may receive a commission when you decide to purchase any of the products through my affiliate link. I do only promote products and services I believe in 100% and most, if not, all have a money back guarantee, so it is always risk free for you. Also, the earnings I receive as a result of a purchase you make goes to help fund me to keep spreading the truth – all of this takes time and a lot on money, to run servers, websites, livestream software to name but a few, so you are helping fund the expansion of this movement with every purchase you make. Thank You.