2 Products Found
  • Groundology – Earthing for health & EMF protection

    CatherineEdwards.life product discounts -GROUNDOLOGYgroundology - grounding - earthing - a photo of the groundology earthing socks product being worn by a woman's feet

    Groundology – Earthing for health & EMF protection

    Reconnect with Mother Earth Groundology is a long established UK company supplying the world’s best grounding/earthing products. They stock the full range of Groundology™ products as well as being UK distributors…

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  • Flaska – Flaska – TPS Water Structuring

    CatherineEdwards.life product discounts - 10% off FLASKAFlaska water structuring - structured water - a graphic showing the molecule structure of water going from erratic to structured after beinbg in a flaska container for only 5 minutes. With a graphic banner that says "10% off"

    Flaska – Flaska – TPS Water Structuring

    Energizing benefits Explore the energy of structured water and improve your water drinking experience Experience water like never before with Flaska, the glass water bottle that transforms your hydration routine…